Thanks for adding ServerStats

ServerStats was added successfully

Setup tutorial video

If you need help but don't like reading stuff, then watch the YouTube video on the right. This video tells you more than just how to set up the bot, it also shows your how to add more counters and do some basic stuff.

Video provided by: Fleet

Bot isn't in the server

Always check your verification channel or member list throw the server settings (Server Settings > Members), most of the time when you can't see the bot on the right it's just permissions related.

Bot doesn't reply

Always check your member list (right side of discord) first, if the bot is in the server but not showing up there then check the permissions (the bot always need 'Send Message' and 'Embed Links') CHECK THIS IN THE CHANNEL you want to use the bot in.

What is the bot prefix

The prefix to use the bot is set to '/'. The bot makes use of slash commands.
